

I miss this guy.
He's kinda the person myworld revolves around.
He's kinda part of who I am.
He's kinda amazing
This guy and I have kinda been together a year now.
And I'm kinda been together a year now.
And I kinda can't wait till we're together forever.
He's 4000 miles away and I still feel his love.
I kinda wish we could talk, babe
I kinda sorta love you.


Journal #5 Who is the best person you know?

The best person I know.

A huge question, right?
How can one choose the best?

He's amazingly kind.
Selfless, caring, and a charming man. He's helped me through so much. He's affected me in every facet of my life. And I mean EVERY facet. He's brought me closer to God without trying. He's the best friend I could ask for.
He's also the best lover I could ask for.
You know how there are all those people who effect you in little ways or moments throughout life?
Then for most people there is one person who changed their life forever.
I wouldn't be me without him. I wouldn't thinly he way I do, or love the way I do, or even have the same dreams.
I am blessed enough to have my special person be my best friend, my confidant, my lover, and my future husband.
And he is the best person I know.

Journal #3 what I believe.

I believe in my faith, in prayer, in hope, and in trust.
I believe in the power of family; family that supports, lobes, takes care of, and pushes you where you need to go. Families tell you when you're wrong and comfort to when you're upset. A family always loves. And families do not need to be related by blood.
I believe in being yourself. You are the only you on this earth. Don't try to be someone else. Explore your ownmind; your thoughts are as unique as your fingerprints and they're all yours.
I believe in beige creative. This is even when you have to lock yourself up in a quiet room. make something beautiful and THEN show it to the world.
I believein expression. This goes along with creativity, but also includes emotion and and style. Don't hide how you feel
Dress the way you like, what ever floats your boat
I believe in passion. Live passionately. Love passionately.
I believe in love. Real love. Charity. Love for the homeless. For your friends, yourfamily and a special love for that one special person. That last love that goes on through a legacy of children and grandchildren.

Journal #2 what do I want?

I want to be fulfilled. I want to make a place were I belong and where I feel at hone. I want to have a family of my own. I want to love to the extent of my ability. I want tolive out that love openly every day. I want to know I stopped and smelled the roses, and maybe missed the train, but also that I don't mind. I want to make myself someone worth having as a friend, a wife, or a mother. I want to enjoy even the smallest things. I want to learn to trust God, an learn to pray with an open heart. I want to know I did my best in everything, whether school, relationships, or making dinner.
I want to be happy.

Journal #1 who am I?

I am a liver. I am a passionate liver.
Not the organ.
I am a person who goes through life living it, not wanting for it to go by so that something better can come along. I don't believe in the downs of a rainy day. There is some good the can come out of everything. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Everything teaches you something you needed to learn.
I am a lover. I love to love, to look at people through unbiased eyes and see they're true beauty.
I am no a perfectionist. I don't go with the flow, I lazily backstroke upstream and stay true to myself.
I am not afraid of change. Most of the time.
I am creative. Imaginative. I still daydream on a regular basis. It's good for me.
I am an introvert. I don't always say what's on my mind, but I'm always thinking something. I am an artist. I love to create beauty, through mediums.like fabric, beads, paint, or words.
I am a listener. I learn by listening,watching, and most importantly, doing.
I am unique. But so is everyone, right?
There is no other me.
So I am as me as I can get.
I'm always me.
I love being me.